Book a visit

  • You are employed by a company which has an agreement with the CEMPN, and you want to book online ?
    You do not have to pay any fee, your company bears all the costs of your visit
    To benefit from it, please fill the company information field in your user account.
Renewal visits Pilot, Aircrew & Transport Canada
Renewal VisitA partir de 280 €

Pilot Licence Visits First class: professionnal pilot / parachutistPrice incl. VAT
Visite d’admission PNT495 €

Class 3 air controller visitsPrice incl. VAT
Visite d’admission classe 3495 €

Visite d’admission classe 3 + classe 2575 €

Aircrew visitsPrice incl. VAT
Visite d’admission PNC495 €

Transport CanadaPrice incl. VAT
Visite d’admission Transport Canada495 €

Transport Canada renewal visit386 €

Class 2 expertise visitPrice incl. VAT
PPL visit / Parabolic flight / Class 2 expertise207 €

Visites OCCARPrice incl. VAT
Visite d'embauche OCCAR317 €

Visite de renouvellement OCCAR121 €

Expertise for derogation / appeal / dismissalPrice incl. VAT
Referral to the authority for incapacity or dismissal308 €

Additional visit for referral to the authority280 €
Request for waiver of restriction612 €

Permanent incapacity612 €

Visites d’expertise médicalePrice incl. VAT
Visite d’expertise ophtalmologique207 €

Visite d’expertise ORL207 €

Visite d’expertise vision des couleurs207 €

Visite expatriés Airbus317 €

Executive Medical Check-up
Executive health check-up858 €

Other fares

Type of servicePrice incl. VAT
Licence conversion96 €
Medical record transfer to another centerFree
Medical record transfer to a Class 1 or 2 doctor60 €

For all requests about our fares or question on a specific prestation, please feel free to contact us.